How to Stop Using Credit Cards: Full Guide

Credit cards are often a very useful thing, but they will also get you into trouble. Charging up huge balances on credit cards means you’re getting to need to pay it off over the long-term which may result during a batch of interest.

Whether you would like to chop yourself completely far away from credit cards for you only want to prevent using them but still have them available, the solution often requires changing the way that you simply believe credit cards.

Most people don’t even understand how their Credit Card works, and when the bill comes it's an enormous surprise and a serious burden.

In this article, we'll check out the items you would like to understand about your Credit Card and a few strategies for avoiding its use whenever possible.

How to Use a Credit Card Correctly

The first thing that you simply should understand is that the real reason why people should use credit cards.

Credit cards should be wanting to show that you simply have a solid history of paying off their bill in order that you'll be approved for other sorts of loans or credit.

Credit cards are useful because you'll spend just a touch little bit of money on them monthly then pay it off.

For example, if you were just to spend five dollars on your credit card monthly then pay it off, not only would you not have any interest or additional costs, you'd even be built up credit with every single payment because the credit card company will report your good payments monthly or every three months to the credit bureaus.

Most people have several credit cards that they use regularly, then pay off monthly. At least, that's the responsible thanks to use them.

By having several credit cards, not only are you ensuring the multiple best payments, get reported to the credit bureaus, but you're ensuring that each one of the credit bureaus gets updated with some good payments. Not all credit cards report back to every agency, but all of them report back to a minimum of one and typically more.

The other reason that folks have credit cards is for emergencies. Spending a small amount on your credit card monthly is beneficial for building credit, but you would like that available balance to be high because if an emergency happens, and you've got to buy something like an expense or a vehicle repair, then you’re getting to want to possess the cash available.

Maxing out your credit cards for frivolous expenses isn't the way that credit cards are intended to be used.

Calculate the additional Expense with Every Purchase

It is very easy to form a sale that the credit card stupidly about the bill when it comes due. Many credit cards don't charge you interest until you avoid paying the balance off fully when the bill comes.

But you've got to remind yourself that the bill is coming in on what day it'll arrive. If you select to form a payment that's but the whole balance, then you would like to remember of what proportion interests is being added to what's left and the way often the interest is being multiplied.

This is one among the simplest strategies for avoiding credit card use. When you’re brooding about making a sale, sit down and calculate what proportion of that purchase you'll be ready to pay off when the credit card bill comes due.

Be honest with yourself. If you recognize that you simply aren't getting to build to pay off the balance, then write down what proportion you think that you'll pay and calculate the interest that's getting to be added to the remaining balance. Then check out the payment for subsequent months and therefore the month then. Write it all down as future expenses. Then you'll decide whether or not the credit card purchase that you simply are brooding about making is worthwhile.

The main thing is that you simply don't make impulsive purchases together with your credit card. You would possibly see an item within the store that you simply simply are tempted to shop for and know that you have a balance of your credit card to urge it, but you would like to step back and evaluate whether or not that purchase smart financial decision before you purchase.

If you head home and you realize that you simply simply need the item that you checked out, and you'll pay it off quickly, then it's going to be worthwhile travelling back and put the item on your credit card. However, you ought to always give yourself an opportunity to gauge things first.

Get obviate Multiple Credit Cards

Having multiple credit cards is often great for building up credit. Having multiple credit cards showing on your agency accounts, all with good payment histories is certainly getting to raise your credit score and make people want to increase credit to you.

But having multiple credit cards also creates a problem where you think that you simply have much money to spend because you've got tons of obtainable balance on your credit cards. For a few people, having five different credit cards each with $1000 limit can make spending $500 a month frivolously very easy to try to to.

If you're not that concerned with building credit, and you're only using credit cards for emergencies, then consider just keeping one credit card with a high limit and a coffee rate of interest in order that if an emergency does happen then you're covered. But you're not tempted to spend money because you've got many cards that you simply could put the acquisition on and worry about later.

There are definitely many credit cards available to people who have good credit. Once you've got good credit, and your address gets out there, then you'll receive offers for credit cards all the time. In fact, some companies sent your credit cards with a limit already established altogether you've got to try to to is go browsing and activate them.

In addition, stores provide credit cards for purchase of their products. It is often tempting to possess these credit card s also because they're going to often plan to entice you with the large discount on your current purchase just by signing up for a store credit card.

From that time forward, you usually have that store credit card in your wallet and you'll be tempted to use it when you’re shopping at that specific store. Those stores are relying on that specifically.

Always Set Money Aside for the Payment First

By ensuring that you simply have money put aside for the credit card payment beforehand, you're ensuring that, first of all, the credit card bill will get paid and second of all, you'll have a reason to not make the acquisition together with your credit card if you are doing not want to.

Many people use this model so as to create credit. They decide that they need a specific purchase, then they put aside money to buy that purchase. Once they need enough, then they catch on with their credit card and pay it off over several payments using the cash that they need already put aside. This works well when it involves building credit because you're making the payment on your credit card and paying off the balance.

But if you discover yourself using your credit card frivolously or having trouble making the payment when it comes due, you'll also use this as how to stay yourself from spending that cash. Whenever you would like to form a sale over a particular amount together with your credit card, then simply make it a rule that you simply cannot spend that quantity of cash until you've got actual income put aside in your checking or bank account to buy it.

If you'll follow this rule, it'll keep you from making those purchases that you simply find later you can't afford.

The credit card isn't an excuse to travel, shopping and celebrate. One among the foremost successful ways in which people use credit card s is by creating a monthly budget when their income comes in then paying surely things with a credit card. This enables you to use your credit card absolutely guilt free because you're employing a for something that you simply really need which is in your budget, and it builds credit while still ensuring that you simply don't pay huge interest rates.

If You Can’t Stop Swiping, Cut Them Up

If you can't stop using credit cards, and you've got to try all the opposite strategies that we've discussed here, then it'd be time to chop them up entirely.

This is not a metaphorical ‘cut them up’. This is often actually taking a pair of scissors and cutting your credit cards in half. If you discover yourself still pocket money on your credit cards after you've got made a commitment to not use them, then it'd be time to get rid of temptation altogether.

You simply get your credit cards and cut them in half and throw the pieces away. Of course, you're still getting to be liable for your credit card bills that are due and for any balances that you simply racked up, but you'll not be adding more to the debt.

The problem with this strategy is that you simply not have credit cards available for emergencies. Meaning that you simply simply are getting to need to make other plans and take other initiatives so as to form sure that you are prepared within the event of an emergency.

If you are not having credit cards, then you ought to have a bank account with at least a few months of salary stored-up. Having two months of salary stored-up will allow you to survive if something happens to your job temporarily, pay medical bills if they are available up unexpectedly and have enough money for things like car repair bills or other expenses that you simply need to pay so as to continue going to work and maintaining an equivalent quality of life.

One thing that you simply definitely want to stay in mind is that simply because you've got cut your credit card doesn't mean that credit card companies are getting to stop sending you offers and credit cards which will be activated immediately. In other words, the temptation should be there.

You will need to decide for yourself how you're getting to handle this challenge. While you'll be far away from these mailing lists, it can take several months to prevent the method completes.

In the meantime, if you encounter a credit card, then simply cut it up immediately without even watching the varied terms and attractive offers a accompany it.


The bottom line is that while credit cards are often extremely useful and helpful surely people, you've got to stay in mind that credit card companies have an interest in making money off of you and getting you is deeply into debt as possible.

Their entire business model is made around this action. The deeper in debt you're, the longer you'll need to pay them off and therefore the more they learn and interest from you.

If you discover the you can't use credit cards responsibly, then it's time to require a pair scissors and cut them up.

Getting obviate credit cards altogether is certainly preferable to having credit cards available that have massive balances that you simply will need to pay over time.

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